As you enter into the next phase of life and make a commitment to self-healing, it is important to remember that life is both cyclical and reciprocal. It is cyclical in that we all go through cycles – some are more difficult than others. But, nevertheless, we are continually moving forward, evolving, and each new day brings new opportunities for growth and acceptance.
Life is reciprocal in that what we can expect to receive what we put forth, and we need to focus on emitting positivity so positivity will be returned to us. We have to remember the law of attraction in everything we do. If we do not make this commitment to ourselves and stagnate in a state of negativity, we cannot possibly expect to heal. Like attracts like and committing to offering kindness to others means kindness will be returned.
Sustainable healing involves taking the time to develop healthy boundaries and strategies to sufficiently deal with life’s stressors.
It won’t happen overnight, but it can happen if you set your mind to it. In developing sustainable strategies, we will be better equipped to ward off toxicity. We can only do this by learning from the mistakes of our past and realizing that this toxic cycle is finished. We have closed the door on it once and for all, but that doesn’t mean we can’t carry with us the lessons we’ve learned. We must do so, and accept the past for what it is, in order to effectively move into this next stage.
A sense of relief should come simply from acknowledging that life is cyclical. This implies that it is forever moving forward, and we do not have to stay stuck. We do not have to continually relive the trauma we’ve escaped. Because life exists in stages, we can mentally close the door on a difficult stage and begin anew. The propensity to begin a new stage begins within. We can start and stop cycles anytime we wish. The important thing to remember is that we have control over what we allow to come with us and what we choose to leave behind.
A sense of optimism should also arise from knowing that life is reciprocal and realizing that if we choose positivity, positivity will choose us. All we have to do is make a commitment to do better today than we did yesterday – again and again with each new day.
We are human and as such, we cannot expect to be perfect. However, we can learn from past imperfections and make a conscious effort to grow in spite of them. And, this is a promise we can make to ourselves which can be renewed every time we awaken to a new day. The ability to experience a new day in itself is a gift, and the ability to live a reciprocal existence is a gift.
Recite positive affirmations and make a commitment every morning to be happy. Do this, and in doing so, deliver on promises you’ve made to yourself to start fresh. Others will take notice and will want to do the same. When we live in this way, we extend hope, and they will reciprocate. It’s that simple.
Find peace in the fact that life is both cyclical and reciprocal and you will be one step closer to coming into alignment with your authentic self simply in acknowledging this fact. Your efforts will not go unrewarded.
Realize sustainable healing today. Break the silence, break the cycle.