Trusting your internal cues is a vital component of trauma recovery. All too often, our sense of self is lost, pushed aside or numbed when dealing with traumatic circumstances. Yet, this is the most important part of who you are. Your internal guide is your most valuable support. The effect lingers largely because this resource […]
Removing Toxicity: ‘Am I Better Off?’
Trauma can make you feel as if you want to dissociate with the ‘self’ as a protective mechanism to cope. Oftentimes, it seems intuitive to “go somewhere else” in order to no longer feel with burden of chaos that is happening all around you. This becomes second nature, almost, and can show up in self-destructive […]
The Mind-Body Trauma Response
While it’s true that the mind will require a focused commitment to healing, the body should not be neglected.
Control Only What You Can…Release the Rest
People, by nature, like to feel in control. Yet, the world is largely uncontrollable.. Control only what you can and let go of the rest.
Trick Yourself…in a Healthy Way
Take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. A few small tricks will go a long way.
Resilience Building Through Failure
Learn to appreciate failure for the lessons learned and grow through your experience. This is how you build self-awareness and resilience.