Check out Sara’s latest Book, ‘The Trauma-Addiction Connection: Understanding Unhealthy Patterns & Breaking Free from Both Once & For All‘….ON SALE NOW at Barnes & Noble and Amazon!
Sara’s content was shared on The Adventures of Dan and Tina: Enduring and recovering from narcissistic abuse. Visit the site for more information on narcissism and healing from emotional abuse.
Sara and her company, Sara E. Teller Industries LLC, was acknowledged in How to Write 1500 Words in 15 Minutes or Less by Christina M. Johnson of Testimony Publishers LLC, 2020. Check it out here and pick up a copy today!
Sara was recently granted an opportunity to be an official member of the International Association of Professional Writers & Editors. What an honor!
Sara’s books, PTSD: Healing from the Inside Out and Narcissistic Abuse: A Survival Guide, were featured at the Local Authors Holiday Book Fair sponsored by City Tour Detroit in December 2019 with 10% of proceeds sent directly to Freedom House! It felt great to contribute to this much-needed cause. Click here to learn more: Press Release.
Check out Ferndale Friends‘ book release announcement.
Sara was a guest on the M.O.M.M.Y. podcast hosted by Christina Johnson of Testimony Publishers LLC. Listen here!
Check out Sara’s chat about PTSD and her new title with Mark Zarate of Zarate Fitness LLC on Cool, Calm, & Chaotic here.
Sara connected with Mark about narcissism and narcissistic abuse, too. Check out that episode of Cool, Calm, & Chaotic here.
To listen to Sara’s appearance on an episode of Collections by Michelle Brown and her insight into narcissistic abuse, click here.
Jill Lorie Hurst of Ferndale Friends did a fun author Q&A session with Sara. Check out interview here.
For interviews, speaking engagements, additional hi res images, and all other media inquiries, please contact Gia Cilento,
Take a minute to subscribe to Sara’s YouTube channel here.
Media resources, including a media kit and interview information can be found here.
Order your copy of PTSD: Healing from the Inside Out on Amazon today!
To see all of Sara’s titles, visit her page at
For more of Sara’s content, visit: