A funny thing can happen amid the healing process when you decide that you are enough. You’ll begin to shift your perspective in such a way that you will no longer compare yourself to others and loath the person you’ve become but rather, you will use the feats of others to guide you to where you need to be. In other words, when you see that others have what you long for, you’ll become determined to get some of what they’ve got, in a good way. This means connecting with these individuals, and in doing so, attracting positivity, rather than retreating into isolation.
We must heal through acceptance, right?
Only by accepting our circumstances for exactly what they are can we move past any feelings of victimization to a newfound, powerful state of being. And, once we’ve done so, we’ll become unstoppable. We can strip away toxicity with ease and attract more and more positive energy into our lives. The law of attraction will begin to serve us in ways we never dreamed possible.
Part of this process means moving to a new, higher frequency energetically and beginning to connect with others on the same energetic level. Like attracts like and the more we grow the more we’ll attract others in the same space until we no longer feel a need to compare ourselves to anyone else out of jealousy because we no longer harbor feelings of inferiority. Rather, we will observe in others what we need to do to elevate ourselves and begin consciously manifesting energetic elevation into our lives.
For instance, maybe you attend a seminar on holistic healing. The speaker will likely be at a place that you one day hope to reach. In listening to ways in which you can balance out your own life and live a more healthily, productively naturally, you will become motivated to get to the same level this person is at. You will want what they’ve got. But you will not have to envy what they’re got, because you are going to begin to actively practice what you’ve learned at the seminar and, in time, move into this space. You will, instead, long for more information from this person because you will see them as an invaluable resource.
Then, you’ll just go for it.
When you begin to notice this subtle but powerful shift in perspective you will feel unstoppable. You will feel uplifted by others who motivate you and quickly eliminate those who are toxic. Your space will soon be filled with only positive influencers because you will be able to more readily identify and block the bad. Then, you will move into the role of those you’ve looked up to along the way and help others move into this space. Because, positivity is contagious and once we feel it, we become motivated to share it.
It all starts with a commitment to self and setting goals that clearly align with the life you long for.