Whatever form of abuse you’ve experienced, it needs to be dealt with, addressed, and put into its proper place so you can move forward.
How to Successfully Break Up with a Narcissist
Ending a relationship is never easy. However, ending one with a narcissistic can be very damaging and unsafe.
5 Early Red Flags That You’re with a Narcissist
When you get started in a new relationship, you want to believe that everything will go perfectly. It’s easy to overlook concerning issues at first, as you are being optimistic about what the future will hold.
Narcissism: Five Must-know Terms
Knowledge is power, and understanding the person you’re dealing with is essential, especially when that person happens to be a narcissist.
How Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Physically Affects the Body
The physical impacts of PTSD are no less important than the role this condition plays in mental health. Get the help you deserve today!
Theories on the Development of Clinical Narcissism
a clinical narcissist comes back to the way that individual was treated as a child. Specifically, the relationship with the child’s mother seems to be particularly important.