Conscious manifestation can give us the life of our dreams. We unconsciously manifest happenstance occurrences all the time, after all, without even realizing it. What if we could focus on that which we most desire and consciously make it a reality? Imagine the power this would hold, and how our lives could change.
First, we have to understand the difference between conscious an unconscious manifestation. The unconscious kind happens all the time whether we notice it or not. Sometimes we do notice, but it’s not until much later. The pieces fall into place over time.
For instance, perhaps you’ve had to stop at every red light on the way home, cursing how late you’re going to be because you’re going to miss an appointment. Then, you find out later that there was a tragedy at the venue you were supposed to be at. Because of the red light, you weren’t there when this happened. Or, you didn’t get what you asked for in your take-out order, so you have to go back into the restaurant. You happen to start chatting with someone in line who becomes a lifelong friend. You would have never met this person otherwise.
Some call these fateful happenings a result of serendipity. Others live by the saying ‘If it’s meant to be, it will be.’ However, you want to look at it, unconscious manifestations seem coincidental or divinely orchestrated by the universe. Oftentimes, everyday annoyances such as running late to work, losing one’s job, or missing an important appointment set in action a chain of events that would not have otherwise occurred, but seems destined to happen.
Conscious manifestation, therefore, is especially powerful because we are actively taking the steps necessary to bring these serendipitous things into our reality. And, if we are consciously manifesting something, chances are it’s something we really desire, right?
This type of manifestation takes both intention and action. How do we do this? How can we will what we desire into reality?
First, it’s important to have a clear vision about what you wish to happen. And, the saying goes, be careful what you wish for. Keep this in mind as you set your intentions. Give your thoughts some direction and you’ll be able to follow through with action steps necessary to ensure you are bringing your intentions to life.
For example, if you’ve always wanted to work as a specific company, create a clear picture of the reasons why you want to pursue this in your mind and send your wishes into the universe. Then, you can look into admission requirements and align your priorities accordingly.
Of course, conscious manifestation works best when our goals are strongly desired. These are the things we’re most motivated to pursue. Because we want these things more than anything, we’re fueled with the energy necessary to take action. You should have a vision that you’re passionate about and which motivates you to move forward every time you think of it. This is something that makes you feel joyful and which you believe has to happen for you to achieve your life’s purpose.
You must also believe that your vision is attainable. Too often, we manifest things we believe are not ours to have deep down. They are pie-in-the-sky dreams that would be wonderful and totally unexpected if they were to become part of our reality, but they’re just that –dreams. These are commonly called daydreams, or those things we are fantasizing about while we’re awake but never really expect to achieve. Sometimes, we even think it’s safer this way and their unattainability is a security blanket we carry with us.
Believe you can achieve…
In order to consciously manifest, however, we must believe we can achieve that which we’ve set our minds to. And, we have to believe this genuinely, almost as if we are so set on our path that the universe acknowledges our belief we will do this and responds by allowing it.
Accept that your deepest dreams and desires can also be your reality. Accept this fully and completely, then align your steps toward accomplishing your vision at all costs. Do whatever you can in your power to bring it to life.
You must also anticipate obstacles and be able to overcome shortfalls, staying steadfast on your path no matter what. Even if the person next to you has given up on achieving the same goals, even if your support system has given up on you, you must stay strong and not stumble. Detach from nay-sayers and from negative thoughts that only serve to slow you down. Be your own greatest ally. You’ve got this!