ecause any loss of control on the narcissist’s part means those in his intimate space will be targeted, victims tend to believe it is less dangerous to try and maintain order.
Pathological Narcissism & Loss of Control
A common narcissistic response to stress and a loss of control is to redirect the lost control to the victim, becoming more abusive than ever before.
Compulsive-Impulsive Disorders after Trauma
Many people turn to inanimate objects in the post-trauma state. The compulsive procurement of things, oftentimes meaningless and valueless, becomes an uncontrollable obsession that is used as an unhealthy coping mechanism.
Substance Use & Addictions in the Aftermath of Trauma
Sometimes knowing that we’ve been forever changed, assumingly for the worse, is enough to make us feel so discontented we want to turn off our emotions altogether.
Lost Control: Anxiety & Mood Swings
Mood disorders and anxiety are common manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder.
A Closer Look at the Aftermath of Trauma
It is important to acknowledge when we are self-sabotaging our own recovery. Only by accepting that we are responsible for our own healing journey, can we truly embrace the decision to change our lives.