Remember The Promises, and eventually, you will realize you have attained each and will continue to so long as you keep pushing yourself in a positive direction.
Take Trauma Recovery One Day at a Time
Your healing journey will be continual – it will be lifelong. You must renew the promises you made to yourself each and every day and keep pushing forward. This is why the recovery concept of ‘one day at a time’ is so important. If you rush things, or you expect to be ‘cured’ one day […]
Fake It Until You Make It…and You Will Make It!
The twelve-step recovery concept ‘fake it until you make it’ is relevant and important to trauma recovery.
Trauma Recovery: The Importance of Twelve Step Concepts
We can apply the twelve steps to trauma recovery. These principles be can stored for easy access in times of need.
The Difficult Decision of Divorce
Divorce is never an easy decision to make. When we vow to spend the rest of our lives with someone, divorce can make us feel as if we lied about our commitment to the other person – or that we failed. Even when we realize a separation is entirely necessary, mitigating the waters of this […]
The Aftermath of Addiction and PTSD
It is possible to love again in the aftermath of trauma and addiction, and it starts with loving yourself.