As we’ve covered in previous posts, healing from the symptoms of post-traumatic stress is an effort that needs to be focused both on the internal and the external. We need to heal from the inside out, focusing on all aspects of self – mind, body, and soul – in order to grow post-trauma and truly […]
Healing from the Inside Out: Healthy Foods that Help
Recovering from trauma means healing from the inside out – repairing the mind, body, and soul. As we practice mindfulness techniques and work to reframe the way we view the world, it’s equally as important to take care of our physical health. Not just staying fit and active, but our brain and heart health as […]
Post-traumatic Stress and Self-destructive Behavior: Choose to Change NOW
Post-traumatic stress disorder can manifest itself in many ways. It can change the way one operates entirely, and one of the most terrifying characteristics can come in the form of self-destructive behavior. This can include engaging in risky behaviors, such as excessive gambling or promiscuous sex. It might mean abusing substances or causing self-harm. One […]
Post-Traumatic Stress and Borderline Personality Disorder are Eerily Interrelated
There is growing evidence that those who experience trauma are at an increased risk of developing borderline personality disorder (BPD). Unfortunately, the association between the two has long been left unacknowledged. However, in recent years, some clinicians have expressed an interest in adding BPD to the list of trauma-spectrum disorders. This might induce some panic […]
Post-trauma Recovery: Second-guessing Ourselves
Those who have lived through trauma understand the detrimental effects which continue to plague us even after the chaos has ceased and we’ve moved into post-trauma recovery. Often, trauma is caused by another individual, and this individual used tactics to ensure we were left second-guessing everything about ourselves in order to maintain control. After all, […]
Better Understanding PTSD: Symptom Categorization
Individuals who have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) know just how debilitating the symptoms can be. However, there are multiple ways in which these symptoms can manifest, and sufferers can experience the aftereffects of trauma in many different ways. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM for short) lists several major […]