Whether you are concerned about yourself or a friend or family member, it’s helpful to understand what narcissistic victim syndrome can look like in the real world.
Gaslighting is Not Your Fault
It’s important to understand you aren’t to blame for the actions of the narcissist(s) in your life. It is gaslighting that often makes victims of narcissistic abuse believe they are at fault for the negative things that are happening, but that’s simply not the case.
Life After Abuse: Rebuilding and Restarting to Live Your Best Life
Change your life now: seek therapy, meditate regularly, exercise daily, stay connected with loved ones, and consider switching to a new job. You can do this!
10 Ways Narcissists ‘Love Bomb’ Their Victims
If you are concerned about narcissistic abuse, watch for a pattern of behavior that seems over the top and beyond what would be expected in a healthy, stable relationship. If a pattern is identified, this could be a red flag telling you to run!
How to Successfully Break Up With a Narcissist
It can be hard to break up with a narcissist, even if you are sure that the relationship should be over. Preparing for a breakup with a toxic person should happen well before you start to talk to your partner about what you’ve decided to do.
The Difference Between Acute Stress Disorder & PTSD
By: Sara E. Teller Unless you are a professional in the mental health space, it can be hard to keep the various possible disorders straight. Some of the names sound similar, and it’s easy enough to be confused by which disorder relates to which set of symptoms, and what issues you or a loved one […]