One way to release the trauma of the past is to release connections with the people, places or things that induce ill-feelings. These are often referred to as “trauma triggers.” It is okay to sever ties with those things that only perpetuate toxicity. And, it is necessary to create a beautiful second draft.
Triggers may include locations where traumatic events took place or connections with individuals also associated with a trauma inducer. It may mean you have to change jobs or schools or cut out a long-time hobby. It could involve a few gradual changes over time or many changes all at once, depending on your own level of comfort and what you feel you need to do to heal.
Releasing trauma triggers is not only something you’ll need to physically do, but you must also release these triggers internally. It may prove to be much easier to remove yourself from these things than it is to remove your thoughts from them. If you allow yourself to continue to be imprisoned by self-defeating thought patterns, you will never truly be free. The mental prison will remain.
If you begin to make significant cuts and realize that it’s too overwhelming, take a break and enjoy the present. Reflect on all of the process you have made. Let yourself realize how far you’ve come. Then, begin again when you’re ready.
You can use the following exercise to get you started:
Identifying and making a conscious effort to avoid those persons, places, things, or events that wield you right back into the traumatic state can be helpful in post-trauma recovery. Use this exercise to help you to recall the most obvious triggers. It is likely that you will reference these prompts time and again throughout your journey, so feel free to make copies or use your own notebook or journal.
Who was involved? Who is toxic to my recovery? Who must I cut ties with so I can heal?
Where did the trauma take place? What places make me feel uneasy? What places should I make a conscious effort to stay away from?
What things are likely to enter my space that could hinder my recovery? What objects remind me of the trauma I escaped? What can I get rid of right now?
What circumstances must be avoided in order to heal? What situations or events should I steer clear of?
What else can be identified as a trigger right now so I can proactively eliminate it?