For communals, you’re either for them or against them. There is not in between.
How a Narcissist Uses Each Love Language Against a Victim
Narcissists take note of their partner’s love language to use it against them in an effort to assert their own.
The Subtypes of Pathological Narcissism
here are a multitude of methods used by narcissists to assert and maintain control, and there are subtypes that help to define which kind of narcissist you are dealing with.
Narcissistic Charm & Charisma
Charm and charisma. These two interrelated traits are what is most evident when someone first encounters a narcissist.
A Narcissist will not Change to Fulfill Your Love Language
Entering into a partnership with a narcissist essentially equates to leaving a significant piece of self at the door. Victims give up this sense of self in order to develop a new, toxic identity just the same as the narc did all those years ago.
How a Narcissist’s Love Language Develops
Let’s take a closer look at the development of the narcissistic love language. We all develop a significant portion of our personalities through the environment in which we are raised. While it’s true that our chemical makes up plays a part, through observation, we learn how to interact with others. We develop core values and […]