Perhaps the single best way to cope in the aftermath of narcissistic abuse is to get help. Support is required to have someone else to validate your feelings, restore your sense of self-worth, and take meaningful steps toward a better future.
Narcissistic Abuse: Reducing Risk
Simply understanding some of the risk factors for winding up on the receiving end of abuse can help people get out of these kinds of situations before it’s too late.
Narcissistic Abuse: Who Is Most at Risk & Recognizing the Symptoms
By: Sara E. Teller Narcissistic abuse is sometimes called narcissistic abuse syndrome. It may also be referred to as narcissistic victim syndrome. It is something that affects many people every single day. This form of abuse is typically emotional and psychological but can be physical as well. Unfortunately, certain people or personality types are more […]
5 Hoovering Tactics a Narcissist Will Use to Get You Back
The decision of whether or not you are going to stay in a relationship should be yours, and yours alone. It should not be up to another person if you are going to decide to stay or go,
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Is Not Just for Soldiers
PTSD is a condition that can affect anyone who goes through trauma, whether it is on the battlefield or not.
5 Ways You Can Tell Someone You Love is Dating a Narcissist
Before you talk to this person in your life about your concerns over their relationship, it’s good to watch for signs that they may be involved with a narcissist.