Understanding why it’s important to consider the experiences of children who grew up with one or more narcissistic parents comes down to thinking about the major role that all parents and guardians play in the lives of their children. Simply put, those who are responsible for raising children – whether they be biological parents or otherwise – are going to have a massive influence on the emotional development of those young people.
How the Narcissist is Emotionally Abusive with Seemingly Good Intentions
Sara E. Teller Identifying and classifying narcissistic abuse can be difficult. In some cases, the actions that are taken by the narcissist will seem kind, generous, and even loving. From the outside, others may see it as a perfectly healthy, even admirable, relationship. The things the narcissist does seem normal and respectable. With that said, […]
No Contact: What Is It and Why Is It Necessary?
Once issued, the no contact order makes it illegal for two people to come into contact with one another in any way.
The Development of Narcissistic Victim Syndrome (NVS)
Whether you are concerned about yourself or a friend or family member, it’s helpful to understand what narcissistic victim syndrome can look like in the real world.
Gaslighting is Not Your Fault
It’s important to understand you aren’t to blame for the actions of the narcissist(s) in your life. It is gaslighting that often makes victims of narcissistic abuse believe they are at fault for the negative things that are happening, but that’s simply not the case.
10 Ways Narcissists ‘Love Bomb’ Their Victims
If you are concerned about narcissistic abuse, watch for a pattern of behavior that seems over the top and beyond what would be expected in a healthy, stable relationship. If a pattern is identified, this could be a red flag telling you to run!