Narcissists purposely cause their victims to second-guess any opportunity they have to leave.
Narcissistic Partnerships: What to Expect and How to Conserve Your Energy
While knowing what to expect from a narcissistic partnership in advance may not save you from this experience, it can help you plan your next move.
Stop Falling for the Gaslighting Game
Remember that mind-numbing, debilitating pattern from which you escaped. Don’t let this happen all over again.
Tips for Living with Anxiety
Whatever the source, anxiety comes in several different flavors.
Communal Gaslighting
You’re either for the communal gaslighter or against him. There is no in between. And because it’s easier to go with the flow than against the grain, victims often stay where they’re at much longer than they should with particularly damaging results.
When the Mask Falls Off – Run!
If you see the switch flip and this new person completely transforms from a kind, loving partner to a self-loathing abuser, chances are it will be very triggering as you’re reminded of what you left behind. The first time the mask falls off, it’s time to run.