The devalue and discard stages are inevitable. If you feel you’re no longer valued by your partner – completely unseen, even – it’s time to reconsider whether the partnership is worth your emotional investment.
Societal Gaslighting
As you consider current and historical leaders, it’s likely some will come to mind that you believe have used societal gaslighting as a form of control. It is particularly difficult to oppose these individuals.
Belittling Those Deemed Inferior Reinforces Control
Narcissists tend to take full advantage of those deemed inferior and especially those inadvertently forced into the position of providing their services to the narcissist.
Why Are You Documenting Everything?
If you’ve reached the point of wanting to document, take a step back and ask yourself why you think this is necessary, particularly if you do not have an escape plan in mind.
Why Do Narcissists Use Gaslighting?
Emotional abuse is the narcissist’s most reliable weapon. It’s a surefire way to avoid injury.
The Final Stage: Acceptance
Severing ties with a narcissist isn’t easy. Rediscovering yourself in the aftermath can be equally as hard. However, if you can accept the past for what it is, you will allow yourself to heal sustainably.