If you are stuck in a toxic relationship and believe your partner is being abusive, it is important to recognize the cycle, which is comprised of four distinct stages which repeat over and over again. Understanding this cycle can help you make a definitive determination regarding whether the situation you’re in is dangerous and detrimental […]
Empaths and Others with Open Energy, Beware The Dark Triad!
Have you been told you are an empath, a sensitive, or toxic energy is just drawn to you? Do you find yourself engaging in one destructive relationship after another without reprieve? Sometimes you feel so overwhelmed with exhaustion and just need some time alone? Unfortunately, “energy vampires,” as they are called, prey on those who […]
Unlock Your Full Potential by Scheduling Some Alone Time
Embracing time spent alone is an important component of self-care. Many people are uncomfortable being alone largely because it can be culturally counter-intuitive to make time for ourselves. Yet, it is vital to do so in order to fill your tank and continue to have the energy needed to create and maintain valuable connections with […]
What It Means to Self-actualize Through Healing
If you’ve reached a point in which you have reconnected with your lost sense of self, accepted what you’ve been through and have made an internal commitment to rise above it, and are determined to share the good news, pause to reflect on what you have achieved. Take it all in. Instead of allowing your […]
Helping Others: Know When to Walk Away, Know When to Run
It’s important to remember that your own well-being needs to come first, period. While helping others can be a key component of your healing journey, if this becomes too overwhelming, it’s time to scale back a bit. You are also likely to encounter situations in which you simply cannot save the person you’ve been determined […]
Welcome 2019: A New Year, A New Opportunity to Heal
Happy 2019! As we enter into a new year, it’s important to make a promise to yourself – or renew a promise to yourself – to continue moving forward on this healing journey. We’ve discussed many tangible ways in which you can mitigate the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and keep these symptoms at bay, […]