Let’s take a look at the top phrases a narcissist is likely to utter over and over again. All phrases are part of gaslighting or misdirecting fault and blame in an attempt to make the recipient believe they are everything the narcissist truly is – manipulative, controlling, and overly emotional. By using gaslighting tactics, the […]
Becoming Whole Again After Narcissistic Abuse
It is very important to take care of yourself after you’ve been victimized by abuse. Narcissists, along with the other Cluster B personality disorders (borderlines, antisocials and histrionics) and combination disorders, such as psychopathy and sociopathy, are notorious for projecting their faults onto their victims. By doing so, it releases them from holding onto the […]
The Role of a Traumatic Childhood in Pathological Narcissism
Have narcissists been traumatized more so than others in their childhood? Or, are they just especially sensitive to trauma? What causes some to move past the trauma while others seem to remain stuck indefinitely? There are all kinds of different things that can happen to us as children which induce trauma. Abuse, neglect, having a […]
Exposing the Narcissist: What Lies Lie Behind The Mask
What will always get me about narcissists is all of the time and energy they put toward being sneaky and manipulative. If a narcissist only used half of his resources toward more worthy causes, the world would, no doubt, be a better place. The sadistic game the narcissist plays is much like an addiction. There […]
A Next Generation of Narcissists? Not If We Can Help It
It’s fairly common nowadays to hear “We live in a ‘me’ world.” Western society’s egocentric, I’ll help myself, thank you very much, mentality is flourishing now more than ever, especially with the interconnectedness of the internet and the media’s insatiable desire to portray the leader of the free world as a pathological narcissist. Has this […]
Victims Beware The Skilled Manipulator! 8 Common Tactics of Narcissists
To say that narcissists are skilled manipulators is an understatement. Pathological narcissism, at its highest level along the spectrum, borders sociopathy and psychopathy. We’re talking about individuals who possess zero empathy toward their victims or to anyone or anything else in general, to the point that they don’t even flinch when gut-wrenching topics such as […]