Many often wonder what constitutes pathological narcissism. After all, everyone has narcissistic traits. Whether these traits are healthy or not depends on where we fall along the spectrum. Having no narcissism is just as unhealthy, in a much different way. Much like while love and hate are viewed as opposites, “love is the closest thing […]
Narcissistic Love is Not True Love
Is the narcissist’s new life better? Has everything changed, now that you’re gone? This is a common question for those to ask once they’ve summoned the courage to leave. For some reason, as victims try desperately to move on from a love relationship, find themselves again and deal with the aftermath of abuse the narcissist […]
Reasoning with the Unreasonable – Giving Narcissistic Supply
Trying to reason with a narcissist is like trying to push over a brick wall — over and over again. It literally is the definition of insanity and will only give the narcissist the supply he craves. Let me tell you why. No matter what, you won’t win A narcissist is set in his ways, […]
Release Yourself From Your Own Mental Prison
Much of a person’s anxiety is derived from learning new things. However, life forces us to change directions often, doesn’t it? Just when we get comfortable where we are, we’re often presented with a new obstacle we need to overcome. We may lose our job and need to return to school to learn a new […]
Codependency is a Form of Addiction
Knowledge of an underlying issue and acceptance of it is generally the first step toward healing. Consider drug and alcohol abuse. One must accept the presence of abuse in order to take the necessary steps to sober up and heal. This is the same for abuse in any other form, including emotional, mental and physical. […]
Romantic Partnerships With Narcissists
Let’s pretend you’re in the market for a new house. You’ve done your research, and you think you know exactly what you want. So, armed with a list of must-haves and the location in mind, you take a deep breath and bring your list to a local realtor. The realtor you meet with is well-groomed […]