Instilled in all of us is a sense of intuition that will likely tell you to run far sooner than anyone on the outside will. It takes self-trust to listen to your gut and hit the road
Narcissistic Egocentrism from a Partner’s Perspective
If you manage to break free of this toxic relationship, go entirely no contact and never look back.
Learning to Love Yourself Post-narcissistic Abuse
Even without the toxicity of trauma, it can be difficult to truly believe we’re worth putting ourselves first. Confidence is often built through reinforcement and the journey of self-rediscovery and appreciation is lifelong.
Rediscovering Yourself in the Aftermath of Abuse
You will feel empowered by your ability to take back what was lost for far too long, and this will keep you determined to never go back to what you’ve escaped no matter how hard the narcissist may try to trap you once again.
Safety Planning and Self-assertion
Keep your safety planning a secret, and instead, start regaining independence subtly. You can do this by alluding to the fact that you are onto the narcissist’s game without direct confrontation.
Sustainable Ways to Look and Feel Younger as You Age
There are many self-care strategies you can start right now that will help your mind and body age gracefully.