It is not uncommon for abuse victims to turn to substances in order to numb the pain they experience every day living in a toxic environment. They feel especially isolated and trapped and engage in addictive behavior to cope.
Let’s Talk About Addiction…before it’s too late.
Not everyone turns to addiction to numb the pain of trauma. But for those who do, you’re not alone.
Always Trust Your Own Intuitive Guide
Learn to trust your own intuition to avoid reentering a detrimental situation in the post-trauma state.
Pathological Narcissism vs. Self-Confidence: What’s the Difference?
It’s important to understand that narcissism exists along a spectrum, from a normal to a pathological level.
Life is Cyclical & Reciprocal
There is peace in knowing that life is both cyclical and reciprocal. This means that we can begin anew and will get back what we put in. The law of attraction will lead us to sustainable healing.
What Happens When You Choose Positivity
Practicing positive thinking in our day to day can seem simple, but it can also be elusive. Yet, actively choosing to stay positive even during the most difficult times can be substantially beneficial to our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.