Infidelity breaks trust, and once trust is broken it is very difficult to repair. In fact, infidelity is a form of relational abuse.
Relationships: Abuse-induced Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
There are many different types of spousal abuse, including physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and financial. A survivor may have experienced one, a few, or all of these in a relationship with an abusive partner.
How Relationship Trauma Can Induce PTSD
Don’t give up the fight once you’ve left behind a detrimental relationship. The journey towards sustainable healing is lifelong and you must renew your commitment to this journey every day.
Finding Balance for Sustainable Trauma Recovery
You’ll still need to maintain balance in order to stay at peace. Remember this as you move forward in your healing journey.
You Have the Power to Decide
After rising above the ashes and being given new life, you will quickly realize you are a product of your choices. You chose to take a chance to make a change and left the trauma that was tying you down behind you. Only you can decide to continue on from here and rediscover yourself.
Stagnation vs. Continual Growth
Pushing forward needs to be an in-progress goal of ours at all times until it feels natural, tangible, and easier to achieve than it had previously been.