This is the philosophy of pathological narcissists. It’s all about them and fulfilling their wishes. A narcissist will devalue victims and sufferers are made to brave circumstances fundamentally against their morals and values – often times without even realizing it. To go against a narcissist’s wishes is to crack the perfect false persona he parades. […]
Love YOU First, Always! Remember You Are Enough
Narcissists will always be extremely stealthy by nature. If you leave one, don’t assume he or she has forgotten all about the turmoil that you went through and has moved on, no big deal, even if it appears this is the case. The narcissist’s game doesn’t end just because the relationship did. It is never-ending. As […]
You Blinked and had a Ring on your Finger: Why Narcissists are Serial Kil…Marriers
Narcissists, on their own, are deficient. At least, they believe they are. Often, these individuals have felt this way since a very young age due to abuse and neglect. Even “overlove” is a form of abuse. Narcissists who had been made to feel special or superior to others at a young age will carry with […]
Smear Campaigns — The Narcissist Must Maintain Control
When a narcissist can no longer control a victim, he or she must maintain a sense of dominance by controlling how others perceive these individuals. This is often accomplished by initiating smear campaigns. The purpose here is two-fold. Narcissistic Injury Injury was inflicted when the victim finally summoned the courage to leave, so in the […]
Why the Narcissistic Victim Mentality is So Annoying
Most people, when they’re clearly in the wrong (whether this needs to be pointed out by a third-party or is fully owned and accepted by the perpetrator), will feel guilty about his or her actions, apologize to the victim and move on, hopefully not repeating the same mistakes time and again. Not a narcissist. You […]