Basically, any emotions which relate to relational positivity are completely foreign to a pathological narcissist. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder are sociopaths. They are unable to feel love, empathy, connectivity, sympathy, guilt, regret, remorse and a slew of other emotions that involve sustaining healthy relationships. Narcissists are unable to be genuinely supportive, helpful or caring. […]
Will The Narcissist Ever STOP?!
Narcissists do not possess normal emotional boundaries. As long as there is energy to take, the narcissist will continue the game. Even if the relationship was, for all intents and purposes, terminated, and both parties have moved on, a narcissist will continue to hoover. A victim who has cut ties with the narcissist will not […]
Can You Win A Court Battle Against A Covert?
Coverts are often considered more dangerous than overts because they more readily come across as normal, average individuals incapable of having a hidden agenda. However, you can present evidence of their game in court, and you definitely should. This is particularly true if you are in a divorce battle involving custody and do not want to […]
Life After Narcissistic Abuse
It’s tough, no doubt. But, it is possible to move on with your life with minimal residual difficulty after a relationship with a narcissist. Here are a few key steps in the healing process after leaving the relationship: Go no contact: You must remove the abuser from your life as much as humanly possible. If […]
Breaking The Cycle: Finding Yourself, Then Finding A Healthy Relationship
Because narcissists are predators who are drawn to natural givers, these givers are prone to having to ward off dangerous mates. It’s not entirely a one-way street, either. Givers, also often referred to as co-dependents, are drawn to the apparent neediness of the narcissist and will instinctively place themselves into a subservient role. A match […]
Residual Aftermath: It Takes Time To Heal
Being in a relationship with a narcissist is damaging, and sometimes we don’t immediately understand the depth of the damage until long after we’ve gotten the courage to leave. When we’re in the relationship, we are constantly being groomed and manipulated into serving our narcissistic partner. So, doing so becomes second nature. We are never […]