Narcissists are not fair. They don’t understand the definition of fairness. By definition, fair as an adverb which means “without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage.” This is completely foreign to the narcissist. In his world, fair means the polar opposite — “cheating and trying to achieve unjust advantage”, and “unfair” to the narcissist […]
Tips For Leaving
Let’s talk about leaving — deciding you’re really going to do it. You’re going to pack your bags, say sayonara to your captor. It’s been real, but see ya later. Simple, right? Not so much. Not at all, really. Leaving a narcissist is perhaps the toughest thing you will ever have to do. Don’t expect […]
A Note About Possessions and Possessiveness
Are all narcissists well off? No. Do all narcissists want others to believe they are? Probably. Narcissists, particularly somatic, flaunt possessions and often spend lavishly. They take pride in any possessions they accumulate, including significant others, “trophy” partners they can flaunt to the rest of the world. These individuals are not separate human beings to […]
Trump Is The New NPD Poster Child
President Donald Trump recently claimed he has been treated more unfairly than any other president in history. Never mind that others have been impeached…or assassinated. He is being bullied. He has been called names. It’s just not fair. It doesn’t get much more narcissistic than that. Narcissists love to make themselves victims, particularly when their […]
Mirroring and Therapeutic Intervention
Let’s review the differences between genuine narcissism and mirroring, particularly with regard to therapeutic intervention. Essentially, there are individuals who are true, to-the-core narcissists and there are those who have been around Narcissistic Personality Disorder for so long they begin to mirror associated behaviors. Those who mirror the traits often simply don’t know how to […]
Are Narcissists Also Sadists?
If you’ve seen the 50 Shades movies and are at all familiar with narcissism, chances are you were instantly able to make a connection between Christian’s character and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. According to the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, NPD is “a severe and pervasive personality style that underlies an individual’s entire approach to others […]