Narcissists love the holidays. But, not for the same reasons we do. Of course, they love to get gifts and surround themselves with others so they can bask in the spotlight. But, they also enjoy the holidays because these occasions give narcissists the perfect excuse to up the hoovering. Many feel a little different around the […]
Narcissistic Needs: The Narcissist’s Insatiable Quest for Power
Power is addicting to narcissists. This is often because, in their early years, they were either given too much or too little control over their lives. Either they were overly loved or neglected, but either way, they did not receive an adequate, healthy amount of love, attention, and support. As they carry these wounds into […]
The More We Know, The More We Grow: Leaving for Good
It goes without saying, perhaps, that abuse is difficult to talk about. Those that suffer behind closed doors oftentimes never voice their pain to others unless, or until, they were forced to. With narcissistic abuse, usually this occurs well into devalue, just prior to discard. The victim may have long been planning to leave, believes […]
10 Early Red Flags You Need to Run – NOW!
Here are the top ten early red flags you are in the relationship with a narcissist and need to run – fast. You’re always wrong. The way you fold the clothes, make a bed, load the dishwasher, your political views, religious views. It doesn’t matter what it is – you just can’t win. You’re in […]
You’re Ready to Leave, Now What?
Let’s touch on the steps that should be taken to leave a narcissist once you’re certain you’ve spent enough time developing an escape plan. This means you’ve determined exactly when and how you plan to leave and have told those you can confide in without having to worry about your partner finding out. Sometimes this […]
The Wisdom to Know the Difference: Healing from Abuse
Narcissistic abuse can leave many lingering scars – not just physical, but emotional and mental. It can hinder potential future partnerships and relationships in general. These scars are difficult to undo. Healing takes time. Many survivors find solace in joining online and in-person support groups, confiding in trusted friends and family and just taking time […]