Chronic manipulation can take a significant toll on a person’s self-esteem. After breaking free from a narcissistic relationship, it’s vital to rediscover yourself and reconnect with those positive aspects of self that were lost along the way.
Beyond the Toxic: Building Healthy Relationships After Narcissistic Abuse
Building healthy relationships is possible, but it takes rebuilding a positive sense of self first.
Mastering Calm: Transformative Strategies to Conquer Everyday Stress
Incorporating these strategies into your daily life can revolutionize how you manage stress, paving the way for a more fulfilling and balanced existence.
Are They a Narcissist or Just Selfish? How to Spot the Difference
Narcissism is a reflection of the ego. Everyone has some narcissism inside. How to spot the differences between pathological narcissism and selfishness.
The Importance of Self-Care in the Aftermath of Abuse
The best way to heal from the inside out and regain self-efficacy is through a meaningful self-care routine.
PTSD: The Very Real Consequences of Emotional Abuse
Understanding that emotional abuse can lead to PTSD is the first step toward providing support and resources for survivors.
The Devastating Impact of Narcissistic Abuse: Long-Term Trauma
The devastating impact of narcissistic abuse cannot be overstated. Its long-term consequences on survivors are profound and multifaceted, affecting their mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
What Are the Consequences of Narcissistic Abuse?
While not all abusers are narcissists, understanding the consequences of narcissistic abuse is crucial, not only for survivors but also for society as a whole.
5 Steps to Overcome Narcissistic Abuse
Overcoming narcissistic abuse is a challenging journey, but with the right steps and support from friends and family, it is possible.
Who’s to Blame for a Narcissistic Child? 3 Ways Narcissism Develops in Children
Narcissism in children is a complex issue influenced by various factors, including parenting, peer relationships, and educational environments. Recognizing the signs of narcissism and intervening early is essential for preventing the development of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Identifying & Preventing Narcissistic Abuse
Narcissistic abuse can have severe and lasting consequences on the victim’s mental and emotional well-being. When people are subjected to narcissistic abuse for long periods of time it can be very difficult for them to break the trauma bond they have with the narcissist and escape the abuse.
Strategies for Coping with Narcissistic Family Members
In order to cope with narcissistic family members and not continue to be victimized you’ll need to have a lot of self-awareness and coping skills whether in their presence. Above all, it’s important to remain consistent when it comes to working on healing from the inside out and carrying out strategies to do so effectively.
The Link Between NVS & Addiction
The harm that is done by an abuser can directly lead the victim to seek relief in a variety of ways, and that relief may lead to an addiction problem that is extremely difficult to break.
Narcissistic Abuse in the Workplace
While you can’t necessarily change the behavior of others, you can adapt your approach to other people and find ways to deal with their actions in a way that protects your interests and avoids too many unwanted negative consequences.
Ways to Combat Narcissistic Abuse
There is nothing easy about facing narcissistic abuse in its various forms. You may not want to deal with this challenge – and no one can blame you for that – but standing up to it with the help of the five options above will be in your best interest over the long run.
After the Abuse: Moving Forward
Perhaps the single best way to cope in the aftermath of narcissistic abuse is to get help. Support is required to have someone else to validate your feelings, restore your sense of self-worth, and take meaningful steps toward a better future.
Narcissistic Abuse: Reducing Risk
Simply understanding some of the risk factors for winding up on the receiving end of abuse can help people get out of these kinds of situations before it’s too late.
Narcissistic Abuse: Who Is Most at Risk & Recognizing the Symptoms
By: Sara E. Teller Narcissistic abuse is sometimes called narcissistic abuse syndrome. It may also be referred to as narcissistic victim syndrome. It is something that affects many people every single day. This form of abuse is typically emotional and psychological but can be physical as well. Unfortunately, certain people or personality types are more […]
5 Hoovering Tactics a Narcissist Will Use to Get You Back
The decision of whether or not you are going to stay in a relationship should be yours, and yours alone. It should not be up to another person if you are going to decide to stay or go,
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Is Not Just for Soldiers
PTSD is a condition that can affect anyone who goes through trauma, whether it is on the battlefield or not.
5 Ways You Can Tell Someone You Love is Dating a Narcissist
Before you talk to this person in your life about your concerns over their relationship, it’s good to watch for signs that they may be involved with a narcissist.
10 Ways to Heal from Narcissistic Abuse
Whatever form of abuse you’ve experienced, it needs to be dealt with, addressed, and put into its proper place so you can move forward.
How to Successfully Break Up with a Narcissist
Ending a relationship is never easy. However, ending one with a narcissistic can be very damaging and unsafe.
5 Early Red Flags That You’re with a Narcissist
When you get started in a new relationship, you want to believe that everything will go perfectly. It’s easy to overlook concerning issues at first, as you are being optimistic about what the future will hold.
Narcissism: Five Must-know Terms
Knowledge is power, and understanding the person you’re dealing with is essential, especially when that person happens to be a narcissist.
How Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Physically Affects the Body
The physical impacts of PTSD are no less important than the role this condition plays in mental health. Get the help you deserve today!
Theories on the Development of Clinical Narcissism
a clinical narcissist comes back to the way that individual was treated as a child. Specifically, the relationship with the child’s mother seems to be particularly important.
Children of Narcissists: Pawns & Extensions of Self
Understanding why it’s important to consider the experiences of children who grew up with one or more narcissistic parents comes down to thinking about the major role that all parents and guardians play in the lives of their children. Simply put, those who are responsible for raising children – whether they be biological parents or otherwise – are going to have a massive influence on the emotional development of those young people.
How the Narcissist is Emotionally Abusive with Seemingly Good Intentions
Sara E. Teller Identifying and classifying narcissistic abuse can be difficult. In some cases, the actions that are taken by the narcissist will seem kind, generous, and even loving. From the outside, others may see it as a perfectly healthy, even admirable, relationship. The things the narcissist does seem normal and respectable. With that said, […]
No Contact: What Is It and Why Is It Necessary?
Once issued, the no contact order makes it illegal for two people to come into contact with one another in any way.
The Development of Narcissistic Victim Syndrome (NVS)
Whether you are concerned about yourself or a friend or family member, it’s helpful to understand what narcissistic victim syndrome can look like in the real world.
Gaslighting is Not Your Fault
It’s important to understand you aren’t to blame for the actions of the narcissist(s) in your life. It is gaslighting that often makes victims of narcissistic abuse believe they are at fault for the negative things that are happening, but that’s simply not the case.
Life After Abuse: Rebuilding and Restarting to Live Your Best Life
Change your life now: seek therapy, meditate regularly, exercise daily, stay connected with loved ones, and consider switching to a new job. You can do this!
10 Ways Narcissists ‘Love Bomb’ Their Victims
If you are concerned about narcissistic abuse, watch for a pattern of behavior that seems over the top and beyond what would be expected in a healthy, stable relationship. If a pattern is identified, this could be a red flag telling you to run!
How to Successfully Break Up With a Narcissist
It can be hard to break up with a narcissist, even if you are sure that the relationship should be over. Preparing for a breakup with a toxic person should happen well before you start to talk to your partner about what you’ve decided to do.
The Difference Between Acute Stress Disorder & PTSD
By: Sara E. Teller Unless you are a professional in the mental health space, it can be hard to keep the various possible disorders straight. Some of the names sound similar, and it’s easy enough to be confused by which disorder relates to which set of symptoms, and what issues you or a loved one […]
10 Ways Narcissists Gaslight Their Victims
Do any of those phrases sound familiar? If you have been dealing with narcissistic abuse, you’ve probably heard at least one of them before…and likely many more.
The Difference Between Being Full of Yourself & Having NPD
By: Sara E. Teller It is easy to throw around the word “narcissist” when talking about someone who regularly exhibits selfish behavior. If you are frustrated with someone because they don’t seem to be considering your feelings when making decisions, you might decide that they are narcissistic and stick them with that label moving forward. […]
The Four Cluster Bs: Similarities & Differences
Cluster B personality disorders are marked by emotional instability and this makes it difficult to maintain meaningful relationships.
Narcissistic Wrath: In the Aftermath of No Contact
While it quickly becomes an all-out war when you are steadfast in your boundaries and/or choose to live, these things are necessary for self-preservation.
Give Yourself Permission to Grieve the Loss of Your Narcissistic Relationship
It is not simple to recover from narcissistic abuse once you know what’s happening to you.
Some Days Will be Better than Others
By: Sara E. Teller Have you experienced the complicated web of deception, trickery, and invalidation that is narcissistic abuse? Your sense of self may have been progressively destroyed even without your knowledge because of how incredibly subtle it may be. Typically, in fact, emotional abusers prefer to leave untraceable scars rather than inflict direct physical […]
What is PNSD and How Does it Relate to Narcissistic Abuse?
Some individuals refer to the PTSD that occurs as a result of an abusive relationship with a narcissist as PNSD – post-narcissism stress disorder. It is not a clinical term and has been popularized as knowledge spreads about how damaging narcissists can be. The symptoms are the same as PTSD. The only difference is that the term relates specifically to this form of abuse.
The Difference been Acute Stress & PTSD: What to Look for
Prolonged stress can cause a variety of detrimental health conditions.
When is it PTSD…Really?
Those who begin to experience symptoms that interfere with day-to-day functioning and notice that they last longer than a month have most likely developed PTSD.
Five Ways in which Pathological Narcissism Might Present
Narcissism can be adaptive or maladaptive and there are multiple ways in which maladaptive narcissism presents.
How Narcissistic Abuse Affects the Brain
By: Sara E. Teller Long-term narcissistic abuse comes with some devastating consequences. By now, most people know that repeated emotional trauma can lead to both PTSD and C-PTSD, which may be reason enough to leave an abusive partner. But now, neuroscientists and physicians are finding through their research that living with a narcissist can also […]
How to Ease Symptoms of Narcissistic Victim Syndrome
Narcissistic Victim Syndrome can affect a person’s mental and physical health and destroy self-esteem and self-worth. It’s important to engage in self-care and seek help when needed.
What to do When You Want to Leave
It is possible to leave a narcissist if you trust your gut, instill strong boundaries until you can get out once and for all, and keep reminding yourself of the reasons why you need to walk away.
How to Identify a Narcissistic Relationship Early On
By: Sara E. Teller One of the things that hurts the most while involved in a toxic relationship is realizing that you were in a sense tricked into it. Most toxic relationships don’t start out being toxic. In fact, ,oftentimes they begin like any other normal relationship; they may even appear to be too good […]
How Caregivers Create Clinical Narcissists
By: Sara E. Teller Although there may be indicators earlier on in a narcissist’s life, narcissistic traits begin to surface most noticeably at or around the ages of 7 and 8. And it is now known that narcissism develops as a result of both biology and a child’s environment. During this period of their lives, […]
What Makes a Narcissist Tick & What it Takes to Manage NPD
A narcissist works hard to ensure that their true self doesn’t get exposed. Their impulsive and volatile actions are in a sense ‘masked’ until they no longer can be. That’s where dysfunctional and inappropriate behaviors start to come into play.
Healing Sustainably After You’re Out
When you first leave, you likely won’t feel all that great. You still have to work through lingering denial that you made the right choice, that your partner really was toxic, and that the relationship is finally over and done with.
The Dynamics of a Narcissistic Discard
Narcissists purposely cause their victims to second-guess any opportunity they have to leave.
Narcissistic Partnerships: What to Expect and How to Conserve Your Energy
While knowing what to expect from a narcissistic partnership in advance may not save you from this experience, it can help you plan your next move.
Stop Falling for the Gaslighting Game
Remember that mind-numbing, debilitating pattern from which you escaped. Don’t let this happen all over again.
Tips for Living with Anxiety
Whatever the source, anxiety comes in several different flavors.
Communal Gaslighting
You’re either for the communal gaslighter or against him. There is no in between. And because it’s easier to go with the flow than against the grain, victims often stay where they’re at much longer than they should with particularly damaging results.
When the Mask Falls Off – Run!
If you see the switch flip and this new person completely transforms from a kind, loving partner to a self-loathing abuser, chances are it will be very triggering as you’re reminded of what you left behind. The first time the mask falls off, it’s time to run.
Signs of Narcissistic Victimization
It may not always be easy to determine whether you’ve been victimized by a narcissist. While you may feel as if something is simply “off,” it can be difficult to fully understand what went wrong and when. Even if you can pinpoint what’s different about yourself because of your experience, it tends to be much […]
How to Avoid Revictimization
If you’ve been victimized by a narcissist, chances are you’d do anything do never let this happen again. If you were lucky enough to get out, the most terrifying thing is probably thinking about having to hit the rewind button and go through that hell all over again. So, how can you avoid putting life […]
From Pedestal to Pushed Away: Transitioning from Idealize to Discard
The devalue and discard stages are inevitable. If you feel you’re no longer valued by your partner – completely unseen, even – it’s time to reconsider whether the partnership is worth your emotional investment.
Societal Gaslighting
As you consider current and historical leaders, it’s likely some will come to mind that you believe have used societal gaslighting as a form of control. It is particularly difficult to oppose these individuals.
Belittling Those Deemed Inferior Reinforces Control
Narcissists tend to take full advantage of those deemed inferior and especially those inadvertently forced into the position of providing their services to the narcissist.
Why Are You Documenting Everything?
If you’ve reached the point of wanting to document, take a step back and ask yourself why you think this is necessary, particularly if you do not have an escape plan in mind.
Why Do Narcissists Use Gaslighting?
Emotional abuse is the narcissist’s most reliable weapon. It’s a surefire way to avoid injury.
The Final Stage: Acceptance
Severing ties with a narcissist isn’t easy. Rediscovering yourself in the aftermath can be equally as hard. However, if you can accept the past for what it is, you will allow yourself to heal sustainably.
The 4 Cs of Narcissism
The 4 C’s of charm, charisma, confidence and cleverness pervade the narcissistic personality. So much so, it can be difficult to spot what lies beneath before it’s too late.
Top Signs You’re Dealing with a Narcissist
Even if you’re partner is not a true narcissist, if some of these early red flags are present, chances are you’re in a toxic relationship and it’s time to get out.
Grieving the Loss of a Narcissistic Partnership
The loss of a narcissistic relationship can induce profound feelings of grief that need to be addressed rather than blocked out in order to move forward effectively.
Stages 1-3: The Avoidance Stages
Although real grief work tends to occur beginning in stage four of the process, the first three stages are equally as vital. They offer a way of protecting the victim until they have separated themselves enough from the loss to cope with the meaning behind it.
Covert Narcissism: But, Can You Prove It?
Coverts are those who could have used their intelligence for good and probably have gotten equally far in life. However, they get the most supply from their deceitful ways.
Individual Gaslighting: Control & Isolation
The psychological control the narcissist is able to assert over those who share his intimate space is uncanny. He uses his cleverness and confidence to will them into submission and convince them to do his bidding.
Three Common Forms of Gaslighting
All gaslighting is unhealthy and leaves a lasting effect on the recipient. In fact, it tends to leave emotional scars long after a victim has been physically released from their trauma and is one of the primary reasons narcissistic abuse victims endure post-traumatic stress disorder long after the fact.
Confidence & Cleverness: The Narcissistic False Façade
Narcissists don’t have a lot of confidence – really. Not at a deep level. But they possess the cleverness to make others believe they do.
Understanding Hindsight Bias
Hindsight bias is considered distorted thinking primarily because you made a choice at the time that was based on the knowledge you possessed at that time not the knowledge you have now.
Grandiose Narcissists: Appearance is Everything
Grandiose narcissists tend to get a ton of attention – they go to great lengths to make sure of it. They are extremely charismatic and charming and others are drawn to them. This is precisely why they are particularly dangerous.
Malignant Narcissism: All Kinds of Toxicity Wrapped into One
Malignant narcissists are considered the most dangerous kind, primarily because they possess traits evident in the other three subtypes. They are both good-looking, like the somatic narc, and intelligent, like the covert narc, as well as able to draw in others and tend to have loyal followers. A historic example of a malignant narcissist would […]
Communal Narcissism: You’re Either with Me or Against Me
For communals, you’re either for them or against them. There is not in between.
How a Narcissist Uses Each Love Language Against a Victim
Narcissists take note of their partner’s love language to use it against them in an effort to assert their own.
The Subtypes of Pathological Narcissism
here are a multitude of methods used by narcissists to assert and maintain control, and there are subtypes that help to define which kind of narcissist you are dealing with.
Narcissistic Charm & Charisma
Charm and charisma. These two interrelated traits are what is most evident when someone first encounters a narcissist.
A Narcissist will not Change to Fulfill Your Love Language
Entering into a partnership with a narcissist essentially equates to leaving a significant piece of self at the door. Victims give up this sense of self in order to develop a new, toxic identity just the same as the narc did all those years ago.
How a Narcissist’s Love Language Develops
Let’s take a closer look at the development of the narcissistic love language. We all develop a significant portion of our personalities through the environment in which we are raised. While it’s true that our chemical makes up plays a part, through observation, we learn how to interact with others. We develop core values and […]
A Narcissist’s Love Language: Manipulation & Control
The narcissistic love language of control and manipulation extends to all who share his space.
Helplessness to Hopelessness: PTSD
Helplessness can linger long enough to morph into hopelessness, which carries with it unsettling consequences, such as clinical depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Abuse Induced Anxiety in the Post-trauma State
Those who have experienced narcissistic abuse tend to be highly anxious, and this anxiety doesn’t readily go away.
Paralyzing Self-doubt
Abusers love to gaslight their victims, making them believe they’re wrong in every respect. This inevitably makes the victim cast doubt on everything and anything they say or do.
The 4th Stage: Depression
You’ve probably heard the term “there’s a light at the end of the tunnel” or “this too shall pass.” This clearly defines why it’s necessary to live the fourth stage of the grieving process and what’s to come if one is able to endure this painful period.
Narcissistic Love isn’t Genuine
Love, to a narcissist, has nothing to do with heartfelt emotion that causes an individual to care for and respect another person while maintaining healthy boundaries and valuing their partner’s perspective. This is a completely foreign concept to a narc.
The Physical and Psychological Consequences of Abuse-induced Anxiety
A form of PTSD, NVS must be treated in order for the victim to release herself from the trauma-inflicted mental prison that continues to linger after escape.
Inevitable Social Withdrawal & Isolation
Victims of narcissistic abuse are hand-selected by their abusers. Because they are normally intelligent problem-solvers with big hearts, the narcissist knows they will not immediately leave.
Narcissistic Victimization & Paralyzing Self-Doubt
The sooner one can escape narcissistic abuse, the better. The paralyzing effects of these toxic relationships can linger long after the fact but staying in the situation will only make things worse.
The Psychological Impact of Narcissistic Abuse
Relationships with narcissists are exceedingly damaging, and things only get worse over time. The sooner you understand the meaning of narcissistic love and recognize the psychological impact, the sooner you can get out and go not contact once and for all.
Combating Smear Campaigns: What to Expect & How to Heal
The purpose of the narcissist’s smear campaign is two-fold – to rectify narcissistic injury caused by the person’s departure and rejection and to protect the reputation of the narcissist when, inevitably, the victim speaks up.
Understanding the ‘Love Bombing’ Stage
Victims of narcissistic abuse lucky enough to escape will often question why they didn’t see these signs sooner. They will wonder why they allowed the narcissist to insert himself into every aspect of the victim’s life to the point that there was absolutely no privacy, self-identity or separation of self. If you can identify these red flags early on, they are surefire signals you are being groomed into dependence.
Early Warning Signs of Narcissistic Abuse
Instilled in all of us is a sense of intuition that will likely tell you to run far sooner than anyone on the outside will. It takes self-trust to listen to your gut and hit the road
Narcissistic Egocentrism from a Partner’s Perspective
If you manage to break free of this toxic relationship, go entirely no contact and never look back.
Learning to Love Yourself Post-narcissistic Abuse
Even without the toxicity of trauma, it can be difficult to truly believe we’re worth putting ourselves first. Confidence is often built through reinforcement and the journey of self-rediscovery and appreciation is lifelong.
Rediscovering Yourself in the Aftermath of Abuse
You will feel empowered by your ability to take back what was lost for far too long, and this will keep you determined to never go back to what you’ve escaped no matter how hard the narcissist may try to trap you once again.
Safety Planning and Self-assertion
Keep your safety planning a secret, and instead, start regaining independence subtly. You can do this by alluding to the fact that you are onto the narcissist’s game without direct confrontation.
Inside the Narcissistic Relationship
ecause any loss of control on the narcissist’s part means those in his intimate space will be targeted, victims tend to believe it is less dangerous to try and maintain order.
Pathological Narcissism & Loss of Control
A common narcissistic response to stress and a loss of control is to redirect the lost control to the victim, becoming more abusive than ever before.
Compulsive-Impulsive Disorders after Trauma
Many people turn to inanimate objects in the post-trauma state. The compulsive procurement of things, oftentimes meaningless and valueless, becomes an uncontrollable obsession that is used as an unhealthy coping mechanism.
Substance Use & Addictions in the Aftermath of Trauma
Sometimes knowing that we’ve been forever changed, assumingly for the worse, is enough to make us feel so discontented we want to turn off our emotions altogether.
Lost Control: Anxiety & Mood Swings
Mood disorders and anxiety are common manifestations of post-traumatic stress disorder.
A Closer Look at the Aftermath of Trauma
It is important to acknowledge when we are self-sabotaging our own recovery. Only by accepting that we are responsible for our own healing journey, can we truly embrace the decision to change our lives.
Using Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) at Home
Reframing negative patterns and focusing on the positive is a core element of mindfulness-base cognitive therapy.
Challenging Illogical Associations
Being able to identify and challenge seemingly unrelated associations is key to the reframing process.
Expanding Self-limiting Beliefs
As you begin the process of fact-checking, many of the associations your mind auto-generated between past and present experiences will seem completely unrelated and illogical – silly, even.
Change Your ‘Processing’ to Change Your Life
Changing the way in which you think systemically will not happen overnight, but it will change your life for the better over time. Taking baby steps, day by day, will eventually get you to that place of peace you so deserve.
Establish & Reference Your Healing Takeaways
Healing from trauma is not a one and done process. It is a lifelong journey and it is important to remember to continue referencing the tools you’re building within yourself over and over again. Like learning a new language or a technical program, if you don’t use the knowledge gained, you lose it. As you […]
Self-reflection for Mind-Body Healing
It can be difficult to recognize when you’re engaging in unhealthy patterns of behavior unless you take the time to acknowledge your own instinctual response to trauma. However, ensuring you stop engaging in any unhealthy behavioral patterns is an important and internal part of the healing process. Frequent self-reflection will help you understand that a […]
Always Trust Your Instincts
Trusting your internal cues is a vital component of trauma recovery. All too often, our sense of self is lost, pushed aside or numbed when dealing with traumatic circumstances. Yet, this is the most important part of who you are. Your internal guide is your most valuable support. The effect lingers largely because this resource […]
Removing Toxicity: ‘Am I Better Off?’
Trauma can make you feel as if you want to dissociate with the ‘self’ as a protective mechanism to cope. Oftentimes, it seems intuitive to “go somewhere else” in order to no longer feel with burden of chaos that is happening all around you. This becomes second nature, almost, and can show up in self-destructive […]
The Mind-Body Trauma Response
While it’s true that the mind will require a focused commitment to healing, the body should not be neglected.
Control Only What You Can…Release the Rest
People, by nature, like to feel in control. Yet, the world is largely uncontrollable.. Control only what you can and let go of the rest.
Trick Yourself…in a Healthy Way
Take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. A few small tricks will go a long way.
Resilience Building Through Failure
Learn to appreciate failure for the lessons learned and grow through your experience. This is how you build self-awareness and resilience.
Resilience Building in the Aftermath of Trauma
Resilience and trauma healing go hand-in-hand. You must learn to keep going even when things get tough and all of the problems of the world seem to be closing in. Life is full of highs and lows, and oftentimes, the lows are addressed in unhealthy ways, particularly when it feels like there is no other […]
Developing a Growth Mindset through Problem-solving & Self-Care
There are so many activities you can do to replace stagnation with growth. Oftentimes, trauma makes you feel stuck and unable to move forward. However, moving forward is not only possible, but necessary. And, the ability to do so truly resides within you. By learning to stick with a sustainable self-care plan and face and resolve problems in a healthy manner, you will be able to heal sustainably.
Self-reflection for Mind-Body Healing
It can be difficult to recognize when you’re engaging in unhealthy patterns of behavior unless you take the time to acknowledge your own instinctual response to trauma. However, ensuring you stop engaging in any unhealthy behavioral patterns is an important and internal part of the healing process. Frequent self-reflection will help you understand that a […]
Creating a Homemade Calendar for Change
One way to effectively shift your perspective towards the future and focus on what’s to come is to create a calendar with daily self-care to-dos.
Developing a Growth Mindset After Trauma
Shifting from stagnation to forward thinking will keep you motivated to continue healing.
Journaling for Furthering Your Post-trauma Recovery
Journaling is a great tool for reflecting on who you are and examining the growth you’ve made at each stage in the post-trauma journey.
Using the Miracle Question to Jumpstart Change
If you were to wake up tomorrow and all of your troubles are gone, what would that feel like?
A Strengths-based Sentence Starter Strategy
Sentence-starters and other expressive writing exercises can effectively manage depression, post-traumatic stress, and anger issues, and help with feelings of grief and loss.
Assessing Your Strengths to Create Sustainable Solutions
A strength-based approach to trauma healing is one in which you concentrate on using what you can to rebuild – those inherent traits deep inside that led you to this point and which motivate you to continue.
Expressive Writing Can Unlock Sustainable Healing
Trauma healing takes acknowledging and accepting your strengths rather than focusing on the negatives.
Forced to Quarantine with a Narcissist? Have Your Lifelines Handy.
Living with a narcissist is bad enough. Being forced into quarantine with one can be terrifying. Here’s what you can do.
Present Moment Thinking and the Five Senses
Employing mindfulness strategies to live more fully in the present is key. This means becoming more aware of your thoughts and feelings, connecting with these, and adjusting any negative thought patterns when they arise. It also means learning to reframe inherent toxic thought patterns to allow in more positivity.
Re-prioritize and Realign to Reconnect with Self
Cutting out what no longer serves you in this next stage of life is important. This not only means eliminating triggers, but it means re-prioritizing your responsibilities and releasing those things that you feel are no longer needed.
Releasing Trauma Triggers to Eliminate Stress
Releasing trauma triggers is not only something you’ll need to physically do, but you must also release these triggers internally. It may prove to be much easier to remove yourself from these things than it is to remove your thoughts from them.
There are Many Ways to Release Stress Post-trauma
Toxic behaviors have to be unlearned in order to move forward in this next stage of life. In essence, trauma has to be accepted and released.
Socialization and Self-care Go Hand-in-hand
Your support network can include individuals from many different facets of your life. And, it should. You wear many hats and others know you in many different ways.
Sticking to the Plan by Shifting Your Perspective
There will be setbacks as you reach for your goals. It is important to learn how to move forward and heal in spite of these obstacles.
Self-Care Strategies for Sustainable Healing
When you’re goal setting post-trauma, it’s important to engage in self-care and turn to your social network for support.
Trauma Healing: Goal Setting for Success
Setting goals can be extremely helpful in the healing process. Understanding where you want to go will help you accept where you’ve been and appreciate how you’ve come.
Financial Self-sabotage: Spending What’s Not There
Overspending can easily become addictive, especially if it is used to cope with trauma.
Practicing Pain Rather Than Serenity
Break toxic self-sabotaging cycles, accept the past for what it is, and keep pushing forward!
Inviting in Toxicity Rather than Healing
Inviting in what’s detrimental is an all-too-common form of self-sabotage that keeps us stuck in the toxicity of the past. A vicious cycle repeats as we engage in the same behaviors time and again, and thus, ensure we’re unable to heal. There are many ways in which you can repeat toxic patterns. Connecting with toxic […]
Avoiding, rather than Facing, What’s Difficult
It’s never easy to face difficult circumstances in life. Yet, inevitably we are thrown off track every once in a while and must tackle our priorities head on. If we choose to look the other way, eventually, things will only get more overwhelming. Avoidance is self-sabotaging behavior. This occurs when there is something important that […]
Understanding and Eliminating Self-sabotage
We are our own worst critics. This can work to your advantage, of course. Your inner critic can push you do go further, do better, keep going. But, when self-sabotaging gets too overwhelming, it can have the reverse effect.
Summoning the Courage to Share Your Truth
It may seem very difficult at first to share your truth, and this isn’t something that should be rushed. Remember, no one is forcing you to share anything. If you choose to, you can do so on your own time.
EMDR For Releasing Trigger Distress
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is often recommended to allow the brain’s information processing system to get back on track and flow as it should. It incorporates CBT with eye movements or other forms of rhythmic, left-right stimulation. It is a newer therapy that has been proven to be highly beneficial. So, what can […]
The Benefits of Exercise for Trauma Healing
As you embark on your healing journey, you should focus on rebuilding yourself physically as well as mentally and emotionally. Afterall, these are all interconnected pieces of your intricate self. When you commit to taking care of your physical being by eating right and exercising as well as practicing other methods of self-care, including mindful […]
Sustainable Healing Strategies for PTSD
When you’re inflicted by significantly traumatic life events that induce post-traumatic stress disorder, this can be life-altering. It can feel overwhelming as you struggle to reconnect with who you were prior to the onset and attempt to manage new symptoms which are still unfamiliar. Heightened levels of anxiety and depression can make us feel helpless, […]
The Importance of ‘The Promises’
Remember The Promises, and eventually, you will realize you have attained each and will continue to so long as you keep pushing yourself in a positive direction.
Take Trauma Recovery One Day at a Time
Your healing journey will be continual – it will be lifelong. You must renew the promises you made to yourself each and every day and keep pushing forward. This is why the recovery concept of ‘one day at a time’ is so important. If you rush things, or you expect to be ‘cured’ one day […]
Fake It Until You Make It…and You Will Make It!
The twelve-step recovery concept ‘fake it until you make it’ is relevant and important to trauma recovery.
Trauma Recovery: The Importance of Twelve Step Concepts
We can apply the twelve steps to trauma recovery. These principles be can stored for easy access in times of need.
The Difficult Decision of Divorce
Divorce is never an easy decision to make. When we vow to spend the rest of our lives with someone, divorce can make us feel as if we lied about our commitment to the other person – or that we failed. Even when we realize a separation is entirely necessary, mitigating the waters of this […]
The Aftermath of Addiction and PTSD
It is possible to love again in the aftermath of trauma and addiction, and it starts with loving yourself.
The Aftermath of Infidelity: Developing PTSD
Infidelity breaks trust, and once trust is broken it is very difficult to repair. In fact, infidelity is a form of relational abuse.
Relationships: Abuse-induced Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
There are many different types of spousal abuse, including physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and financial. A survivor may have experienced one, a few, or all of these in a relationship with an abusive partner.
How Relationship Trauma Can Induce PTSD
Don’t give up the fight once you’ve left behind a detrimental relationship. The journey towards sustainable healing is lifelong and you must renew your commitment to this journey every day.
Finding Balance for Sustainable Trauma Recovery
You’ll still need to maintain balance in order to stay at peace. Remember this as you move forward in your healing journey.
You Have the Power to Decide
After rising above the ashes and being given new life, you will quickly realize you are a product of your choices. You chose to take a chance to make a change and left the trauma that was tying you down behind you. Only you can decide to continue on from here and rediscover yourself.
Stagnation vs. Continual Growth
Pushing forward needs to be an in-progress goal of ours at all times until it feels natural, tangible, and easier to achieve than it had previously been.
Cool, Calm and Collected: Setting Intentions and Staying Centered
We have two options when we’ve finally broken free from trauma – to setting up a foundation upon which to rebuild or to allow it to continue to define us.
Learning to Stick Up for Yourself
No two people are exactly the same and life is full of ups and downs. Thus, you’re going to inevitably be faced with external conflict at some point in your healing journey, and despite your best intentions to remain positive, sometimes this is very difficult to do. It’s human nature to allow negative emotions to […]
Trauma Bonding: How to Heal Sustainably, From the Inside Out
When you’re stuck in a toxic bond for a significant period of time, it can be especially difficult to release yourself entirely in the aftermath. Toxicity is maintained through control and pathological patterns of lying and manipulation. It’s very easy to lose yourself when you’re continually gaslighted and to feel empty inside. Trauma bonding typically […]
Finding Post-traumatic Strength and Experiencing Post-traumatic Growth
Post-traumatic strength and post-traumatic growth are attainable if you’re willing to put in the work!
Practice Self Love for Sustainable Healing
Sustainable healing in the aftermath of trauma starts with regaining unconditional self love.
Hope and Fear: A Delicate Dance Between Healthy and Toxic Amid Abuse
Hope and fear can be both healthy and toxic, depending on what provokes them. In order to delve deeper in all the reasons why both reside within trauma and why one must come to know the reasons for this in order to escape, we have to first do a little dissecting.
The Post-Trauma State: Schedule Some Worry Time
When you journey on a path of self-discovery in the post-trauma state, schedule some “worry time” to work through your fears and anxieties.
The Many Ways to Grieve and Why It’s So Important
There are many ways to grieve and there is no right or wrong way, as long as it does not become self-destructive. The important thing is to do it.
What I believe…and why.
Being able to help someone who is going through the same trauma we have recovered from can be very cathartic and it starts with understanding energy.
Advocating for Macro and Micro Changes in Trauma Reporting and Treatment
The first step in ensuring victims of abuse get treatment is by making trauma reporting okay. Those who have turned to substances to cope need to know that they can get out…of both the addiction cycle and their toxic situation.
Sustainable Healing: Eliminating Addiction and Isolation
While it’s important to spend time in quiet self-reflection, being able to feel a sense of belonging is also important. It’s all about balance.
Making Mental Health a Priority
If mental health is not made a priority or continues to be seen as taboo, there is the possibility that one will try to manage the pain by engaging in risky and self-destructive behaviors, including substance abuse.
Abuse-induced Substance Use
It is not uncommon for abuse victims to turn to substances in order to numb the pain they experience every day living in a toxic environment. They feel especially isolated and trapped and engage in addictive behavior to cope.
Let’s Talk About Addiction…before it’s too late.
Not everyone turns to addiction to numb the pain of trauma. But for those who do, you’re not alone.
Always Trust Your Own Intuitive Guide
Learn to trust your own intuition to avoid reentering a detrimental situation in the post-trauma state.
Pathological Narcissism vs. Self-Confidence: What’s the Difference?
It’s important to understand that narcissism exists along a spectrum, from a normal to a pathological level.
Life is Cyclical & Reciprocal
There is peace in knowing that life is both cyclical and reciprocal. This means that we can begin anew and will get back what we put in. The law of attraction will lead us to sustainable healing.
What Happens When You Choose Positivity
Practicing positive thinking in our day to day can seem simple, but it can also be elusive. Yet, actively choosing to stay positive even during the most difficult times can be substantially beneficial to our mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
The Phenomenon of Interconnectivity in the Healing Process
When you get to a certain point in your healing journey, you will likely start to notice just how interconnected everything is. Celebrate this time. You are moving in the direction of sustainable happiness.
Open Yourself Up to Life’s Blessings
We must continually express gratitude for life’s blessings and remain open and willing to ask for help.
Mind Your Memory
It can be especially therapeutic to allow memories from the past to resurface if your intention is to heal in the process.
Healing Despite a Stressful Day-to-day
You can heal despite having day-to-day obligations that are time-consuming and can feel overwhleming. Make a commitment to access your inner self.
Healing by Rediscovering Your Authentic Self
In order to heal fully, you have to reconnect with your authentic self. This being is still inside waiting to be accessed.
How Empaths Can Attract More Positivity
If you are continually attracting toxicity and negative energy into your life, ask yourself what you are doing, thinking, of feeling to do so. Then, employ the law of attraction to evoke more positivity.
Are You Content Enough to Die?
Have you ever paused to ask yourself whether you are truly content with the path you are taking?
Making Kindness Count, Always.
Extend kindness whenever and wherever possible, and it will come back to you. The law of attractive is powerful and positivity attracts positivity.
Why are You Still Smiling? This is why.
If you have successfully navigated away from the throes of abuse and have emerged on the other side alive and, relatively well considering, you have a reason to smile.
An Intro to Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Hi, Friends! Here I hope to give you some information on Narcissistic Personality Disorder – basically how to identify it, what the common traits are in someone who has the disorder, and what we can do to once we realize we’re dealing with a narcissist. This is the first post of many which I hope […]